Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Veronica Bautista


Veronica Bautista
"Wennjie Qiao-Solar Eclipse"
August 21, 2017

Photography allows your mind to be creative and a wanderer. What I took out from this esthetically pleasing photograph from Wennjie Qiao is the passage of time; time is something our eyes cannot depict as well as this picture can. This photograph of the solar eclipse made me understand how often we may forget that our time is running out and we need to enjoy everything in life, family, nature and to remember that even the sun needs a break. That brings me to conclude and ask what are you willing to do with your time as of now? Will you be more loving? Will you try to do something you've always wanted to do? Will you be able to see the next solar eclipse? Photography can take us to whole different worlds and thoughts, but are we willing to see what is depicted?