Wednesday, April 24, 2019

North Vincent

North Vincent
Friedrich Seidenstücker, "Berlin, Winter"

I have always had a great interest in history as well as scenic beauty, and this image seems to combine these aspects very well. The artist, Friedrich Seidenstücker, was a German photographer and sculptor known for his images of post-war Berlin. This is a photo of a bombed-out building in Berlin two years after the second Word War ended. It was taken in black-and-white, although even if color was added, there would likely be no difference. Snow covers every surface, allowing the building parts to jut out and break the uniform white. The structure, almost looking like a castle from medieval times, sits in the very center. Above, the sky shifts from grey to white, showing the texture of clouds. The image is very still, with absolutely nothing in motion; this is helped by the fact that there is nothing alive in the photo. This might have been done on purpose to show how much of the city was literally left lifeless after the war.