Andrea Gonzalez
Ananake Asseff "Ernesto y Carolina de la serie Potencial"
About 2005-07, print 2015, injket print.
The image I chose was Ernesto y Carolina de la serie Potencial, photographed by Ananake Asseff. This image is part of a series in which the subject is placed to pose in the center of a room in their home in which they have one thing in common they all hold guns in their hands. This photograph depicts how the middle and upper class Argentinians feared of becoming a victim of the lower class. I chose this image because in all our current news all you hear is white man victim of his mental illness. As for all the other races, all you hear are negative things. As a daughter of immigrant parents I got furious to see that this image shows how these subjects playing the victim, which many people now a days do. Just to see this couple holding their guns, and imaging they fear my parents or my parents fearing them drove me insane. "Asseff's portrait emphasize the contradictions inherent in this situation. Who – or what – is the real source of danger here?"