Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Marvin Guerra

Marvin Guerra
James Nachtwey, "Famine in Somalia"

I chose the image Famine in Somalia because it spoke to me on different levels and really made me feel something that I never felt from an image. The image made me really sad because I feel like people take food for granted in the states and in other places people never really know where their next meal is coming from. The photograph really shows how bad the food crisis in Somalia was at the time because the woman is being carried to a feeding center because she could not walk. From the photo you can see the man or woman sitting on the ground with their back faced to us and it is scary to see how much their bones are visible. These people probably would do anything to just eat but at the time prices on food skyrocketed and was not affordable. It really makes you think about all the things we take for granted and how good we have it here in the states.