Samantha Ditto
William Eggleston
"Untitled" from Southern Suite Portfolio, c 1970
When I first saw this image, I was immediately teleported to my childhood in Mississippi. Long car rides across the south, the only scenery being old beaten up billboards. I feel happy and nostalgic seeing this image while it may bring a sense of isolation and abandonment to others. Memories flood back into my mind of my father driving, my mother in the passenger seat drawing our route on the map and my sisters and I fighting in the back seat of our old beat up 1980s mini van. I like how William Eggleston used color to photograph the south instead of black & white. The use of color makes it feel like it could be present day and it brings the deep south into the modern world. It makes me feel like a 10-year-old kid seeing this out of the car window. Sometimes we wish we just go back.