Monday, December 3, 2018

Kevin Ayala

Kevin Ayala
Robert Frank, "Trolly"

I chose this image because it explains how everyone can be experiencing something drastically different at any moment in time. Personally when I'm feeling overjoyed and excited I never realize that the people are around could be feeling something on the other tail end. A perfect example is public transportation, nothing in the bus is purposely making someone feel a certain way but while we all sit in the same bus we can all be feeling extremely different emotions. In this image you can see to the far right that this woman is feeling cheery, but the man next her almost seems hopeless. These feelings are essentially opposites yet the environment around them has nothing to do with what they're feeling and both of them aren't aware of each other. 
Honestly the reason why I found this image so interesting is because I feel most people are stuck in their own world. Very few people notice that others are feeling terrible and disgusting, just because the environment they're in seems to be okay. Taking the time just to ask someone how they're doing is something that seems so small but is so important and essential.