Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mark Nicolas

Mark Nicolas
Elliot Erwitt, "Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York"
1949, Silver Gelatin Print

This photo was taken by the photographer Elliot Erwitt. Erwitt is very popular with his creative use of black and white photographs to tell a different story each time. I chose this photo for two reasons. One, I believe this photograph tells some type of love story. It seems like the statue of the girl with the bow and arrow is trying to win over the man's heart and the man is not falling for her. It is a classic case of unrequited love. Second, I love how he uses the doorways of each hallways and the linear pattern of the chandeliers to bring out the focus on the statue. Each hallway appears to me like a barrier that the woman that is in love with the man has to go through many different barriers and cross boundaries with her arrow just to reach the man that seems to be so far away from her reach.