Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Giovanny Chavez

Giovanny Chavez
Henri Cartier-Bresson "Los Remedios" 

This image by Henri Cartier-Bresson demonstrates the life of Mexican people. Although not rich, they still find a way to make some money. The photograph is in black and white, however the sun's reflectance on the violin case and string are noticeable. The child on the ground seems sad while the man with the violin looks passionate about music. This image was inspirational because it shows how here in America we have many things that we do not appreciate. The children are perhaps hungry and do not have money to eat, we have food everywhere here. Sometimes we say we do not want that when these children would love to have that food, we do not want. The man is also a key component in this photograph, perhaps the face of the image. As a musician, he may be passionate about what he does. The man may also need to bring home money and does so by making music.