Thursday, November 12, 2015

Morgan Garrett

Morgan Garrett

Uta Barth, "Untitled 99.12" in "nowhere near" series

1999, Chromogenic print in artist frame


Light. Perspective. Normality. In this photo, the simple essence of our everyday lives is captured through a home window. The sunlight sheds light on what would otherwise be considered dull.


Uta Barth, the photographer of this image, makes what would normally seem accidental, purposeful. Through her camera lens, she captures the endless possibilities posed by change of perspective. In all of her series, Barth is able to capture the distinct relationship between what is seen and what is unseen. She is known for her distinct use of light, perspective, and depth of field. Together, they create an image such as this one—one that intrigues the eye and challenges the mind.


Have we, too, become a product of our society, not taking the time to notice the small things? Take a page from Uta's book. Pick up your camera and capture the moment that you would have otherwise ignored.