Friday, November 13, 2015

Emily Gottlieb

Emily Gottlieb
Traer Scott, "Callie"

Having been animal-obsessed all my life, I have come across quite a few pictures of animals, but never have I felt so connected to an image as I have for Traer Scott's portrait Callie. About 10 years ago, Traer Scott, a professional photographer and animal shelter volunteer started taking photos of the dogs waiting to be chosen by loving new owners, creating a book to share these animals with the world. Now in her sixth book Finding Home: Shelter Dogs and Their Stories, she has added the beautifully composed photo of a dog named Callie. What makes this photo stand out to me, other than the soft lighting and clarity of the details, is the human element of what looks like a tear in the dog's eye. This very small but very important element conveys a sense of sadness and longingness that is hard to put into words.