Cathleen Guerrero
Emily Blincoe, "The Home Place"
As I searched for an image that I hope would inspire me, I never knew that a mere photograph could transport me to memories that I had been buried by busy and sometimes crazy life that I have. When I found Emily Blincoe's series of photographs, I was shocked to have stumbled upon this image. It had looked exactly like my grandparent's summer house, that my family and I have had so many memories at. Though in the picture, the house looks worn and abandoned, I imagine that is what our summer house would to look like if we visited today. Even though, the house looks worn down, it also looks like it carries many memories, memories that belong to Emily and her family. The series intrigued me because it looked as if there a story to every picture. They force people to wonder many questions, such as who had lived here and what had happened. That is what inspires me about a photograph, the ability for it to make me wonder.